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Customer Testimonials

At Luneau Holistic Wellness, we believe in offering products and services that our clients find value and purpose in. Check out our customer testimonials below and see what people are saying!

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Apothecary Testimonials

"Since my pregnancy I haven’t been loving many smells, but when I opened the nausea relief, it smelled sooo good. I felt like it calmed my whole system instantly. I also do feel like it’s helping with the nausea. And I looove the baths! I had two wonderful baths. I love the herbs and the smell and the feeling the bathes give me. I also feel like the products have such a good energy, very light and feminine. I really mean it when I say that your products have been giving me wonderful experiences! May your business be widely known by people, May the people that would buy your products find their way to you, May you continue making such beautiful and genuine products, and may this business bring abundance, fulfillment and joy into your life. I wish you all the best!! I will definitely buy some more in the future, and try to spread the word!"

- Mathilde

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Coaching & Services Testimonials

"Tammy has helped me tremendously with getting control of my asthma.  We did one on one coaching sessions along with things to do daily that have improved my breathing, which allowed me to not need my asthma medications.  It's amazing how quickly I was able to breathe better! Tammy is a wonderful coach, and I recommend her to anyone ready to change their life."

- Jessica Wills

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