Welcome In The Light!
Winter Solstice 2024 in the Northern Hemisphere will be at 4:21sm EST, December 21, marking it the first day of winter. The shortest day of the year, and the longest night of the year.
The light of the Sun begins a new solar cycle at Winter Solstice. The rays of the sun shine into the dark, and nurture the newborn life, waiting there to be cultivated. This is mirrored in nature and the nature of life all around us, as the seeds are buried in the darkness of the Earth, to emerge once again with the life-giving rays of the Sun.
In winter everything lies dormant in the silent earth, it is a sacred time of rest and reflection before the awakening and the slow build toward brighter days.
The energy of winter, is that of going within. It's the fruitful darkness and silence out of which our soul's yearnings and new inspirations can emerge. As we consciously link our awareness to nature's cycles, our understanding of our own personal growth cycles begins to deepen.
Why do we spend so much time suppressing and hiding in darkness? When negative emotions come up and we feel them, they're inconvenient, uncomfortable or worse, we make ourselves feel wrong for even feeling them. When we fear our own darkness, we cut ourselves off from an essential source of our own personal power. The key is not in letting darkness overwhelm our lives and our thoughts, but in understanding that darkness can be one of the greatest catalysts for personal growth and transformation.
By allowing ourselves to feel our emotions and experience our own darkness, the darkness itself can become the spiritual cradle into which our inner light and new life is born.
Allow your feelings to guide you because your feelings are your truth.
Winter Solstice is the great stillness before the Sun's strength builds, and days grow longer. It can be a time to rest and reflect.
In Latin, solstice is made of two words: sol– meaning “the sun” and sistere meaning “to make a stand.” Winter Solstice is one the most powerful points of the year as the axis of the Earth pauses, shifts and moves in the opposite direction. For three days around the solstice points, we experience the power of the standstill point and the shift of direction. The sun standing still is a powerful metaphor for the energy available to us at the Winter Solstice, to change the direction of our lives with intention and build on this energy as we enter into the new year. After experiencing the longest night and shortest day, the nights grow shorter and the days grow longer and brighter until the Summer Solstice.
For today, let yourself rest in the peace of knowing the changing of the season and the return of brighter days is ahead. Be reminded you are always connected to the Divine Source and your inner light never dims. This is the nature of things…the cycles and rhythms of personal growth and change, as you consistently nurture yourself with compassion, allowing for rest and reflection, great joy will be your harvest in 2024.
You may want to take time to honor and acknowledge the endings & new beginnings in your life in a ceremony or personal ritual that both honors your past and clears space to make room for what you wish for the coming year.
Whatever you choose to do to mark the end of the year, the coming of the new, and the rebirth of the light. whether pausing in quiet reflection, or celebrating with community, know that all over our planet, there are many fires burning brightly!
Solstice Blessings,
Solstice Ritual Ideas:
The longest night of the year is honored by many traditions as a sacred and rich time. Regardless of your holiday traditions, this time of year can be honored by reflecting on the past year and participating in your own personal ritual of Ending & Beginnings.
When we make time to acknowledge the gifts of Spirit, we cultivate a greater capacity to receive our own inner light. When we honor our personal cycles and the seasons of the year— we are reminded of the ever-changing flow of life that we are connected to.
Since this time of year is associated with light — celebrate with string lights, sparklers and candles or participate in a community bonfire and burn your own Yule log, a tradition with roots from Northern Europe.
-Light celebrations can be reminders of our inner light, and the Divine Light that guides our way in times of darkness. -
Fire Ceremony for Release & Rebirth
You may want to take time to honor and acknowledge the endings & new beginnings in your life in a ceremony or personal ritual that both honors your past and clears space to make room for what you wish for the coming year. This can be done as a personal ceremony or with a group. Begin by giving out small pieces of paper and pencils so each can write down what they want to release. When all have written down what they wish to release, all can gather around a fire, and each can in turn come to the fire and throw their paper in. Envisioning all that has been negative in your life, now being released from you and absorbed by the world around you.
Handing each participant a new piece of paper, where they write their goals and dreams for the upcoming season. (These will then be opened on Summer Solstice with a new ceremony to celebrate Summer.)
After all paper releases have gone, and new ones written for the upcoming season, you may want to end the ritual by going around the circle and each person sharing something they are grateful for, or you may want to make some celebratory noise by banging on drums, shaking noise makers, and using your voice to send your prayers off into the Universe with a celebratory song!
Feed the Animals
Take time to feed the animals during this cold winter season! Strings of cheerios or making orange & pine cone bird feeders is a great way to do this.
Plant Garlic
Plant Garlic at Winter Solstice to be ready to harvest at Summer Solstice.
One of Tammy's specialities is helping individuals learn to source their inner power to answer their own unique calling, so they may experience greater fulfillment in their lives.
Tammy offers private Spirituality Coaching that provides guidance to help develop personal and intuitive approaches to creating joy and experiencing greater fulfillment in our daily lives.
Tammy Drummond-Rowland